Dr. Yogita Pitale
M/o Nishtha Pitale
Nirmal Bhartia School, Dwarka
Methodology of Career Avancer
appears convincing and gives confidence to the student to choose their right career path
We found Career Avancer team very well informed on their subject. Their sessions were very helpful and in fact we got some insight into our own son’s real interests and aptitude. I’d recommend them highly
Mr. Pramod Uniyal
F/o Ashwin Uniyal
Delhi Public School, Vasant Kunj
Session was very much helpful. The way counselors from Career Avancer guide for career is very good
Mr. Ujavender Saini
F/o Gauravi Saini
Shalom International School, Gurgaon
Arshi Feroz
Amity University, Noida
Really got me a clear picture as to what I can move forward with in my career. Not biased and have great knowledge about the courses in market. Thank You
Career Avancer enabled me to understand my aptitude, interests and weaker areas where I need to work which gave me much need clarity
Shreya Jhanjee
Keshav Mahavidyalaya
Payal Sethi
ITL Public School, New Delhi
I was confused about my future but this session has cleared my doubts and I am also aware about a lot of career options which I was not thinking about earlier
I am impressed by the approach and deep understanding of counsellors from Career Avancer. Helped me a lot. Thank you
Harmeet Singh
Sri Venkateshwara College, Delhi
All my doubts are clear and I found all my strength areas through the psychometric test. Now I also know the areas where I need to focus
Nishant Kumar Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun
Support and guidance provided by Career Avancer was indeed helping. My daughter is bright but was confused and after the counselling session, she is confident. Happy to share this feedback
Neeta Kashyap
M/o Manisha Kashyap
Delhi University