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Psychometric Test

Verbal Ability

Verbal Ability refers to comprehension of words and ideas or a person’s ability to understand written language.


DURATION : 8 minutes

Numerical ability refers to the ability to manipulate numbers quickly and accurately in tasks involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squaring, dealing with fractions, etc.


DURATION : 6 minutes

Spatial Ability

Spatial Ability is concerned with perceiving spatial patterns accurately and following the orientation of figures when their position in a plane or space is altered


DURATION : 6 minutes

Closure Ability

It refers to the ability to see quickly the whole stimulus when parts of it are missing


DURATION : 5 minutes

Mechanical Ability

It refers to the basic understanding and analysis of mechanical principles, simple machines, and tools, electrical and automotive facts.


DURATION : 9 minutes

Clerical ability

It is a perceptual activity primarily concerned with making rapid evaluations of features of visual stimuli


DURATION : 3 minutes

It refers to the ability to apply the process of induction or to reason from specific information to a general principle


DURATION : 5 minutes

The interest test will highlight your CORE INTEREST AREAS. It is always advisable to select a career keeping in mind your area of interest. 


DURATION : No time limit


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